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I've really screwed up

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HelenaM | 21:22 Fri 10th Apr 2009 | Relationships & Dating
32 Answers
I acused my bf of 3 months of sleeping with another woman. He wasn;t. He finished with me cos he said I didn't trust him. I did, but I got something wrong. He also said he had strong feelings for me but couldn't go back because I didn't trust him. It was only after we ended that he said he had strong feelings for me. If I had known that before I would have felt far more secure. We talked but he says he can't go back and just wants to be friends.

He took me out for lunch today and was really nice and friendly and flirty. He didn't seem in any hurry to leave and then took me for a drive in the country. He is coming for dinner on Sunday.

Trouble is, I am in bits. I realise now what I have lost and I don't know whether to have any hope for the future or whether he is just being friendly. What made things worse is he played "take a chance on me" in the car - don't know if I am reading too much into an act of kindness.

I just don't know what to do or think and I cant stop crying.


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He must still like you or there wouldn't be this much contact.

If a guy says he just wants to be friends then I can't see he would see you twice so quickly, not that I've had any personal experience. Friends have told me guys have said that and then they've not seem them for months.

Play it by ear.
I've been there Helena, crazy bitch but the sex was brilliant.
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Well DON'T sleep with him, Helena - and then you'll find out whether he really means friendship or not.
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Sgt Rock, we didn't have a particularly active sex life (he has a medical condition which means that it wasn't always possible). Sex is not a big thing to him.
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Thanks Goodbyegirl - I think you may be right.

Thanks too Ice Maiden - I don't think he will try it on because of his medical things. But I won't sleep with him.
So if he has this medical thing, how could he be seeing someone else? You really didn't think this through well.
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Thanks Crazycathy - sorry I missed your reply earlier.

It is still possible Sgt Rock just not a big part of us. and your right I didnt think it through. If I had thoguht I wouldnt be in this mess.
Helena - he seems like a nice bloke, treat him a bit better if you have a second chance. Good luck.
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We reorganised. He came round tonight instead. He is still adamant that we will only ever be friends. Flirtatious as hell to start with but when we sat down he was about 20 miles away. We talked a bit, but he is adamant we will only ever be just friends. GOing round to mums now to have acry.
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