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Smegging fantastic.

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AceRimmer | 22:32 Sun 12th Apr 2009 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
Did anyone enjoy the new Red dwarf episodes as much as me? It started off a little disconcerting, with the CGI and missing studio audience, but the exceptional writing of Doug Naylor managed to glue it all together perfectly.

I just hope this isn't the end.

Boys from the dwarf........:-)


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Damn I missed it but I am recording it on V+ so all is not lost.
Wasn't as good as I had anticipated.. but I did love that machine laughing at Rimmer's certificate!!

My Sky+ box has gone mad and recorded a while bunch of episodes.. which I will have to plough though tomorrow.. poor old me ;-)
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It's repeated in full tomorrow evening at 9pm on Dave.

Hippyhoppy, after series 8, this was fantastic imho. It was just grass roots Red dwarf.
I'm glad it's repeated tomorrow as I missed the final episode tonight.

I enjoyed the first episode a little more than the second but being the fan I am, will still have to buy the DVD to add to the collection!

It did confuse me a little last night when the referred (more than once) to season 9 and 10 when there were only 8 made, does this mean they are planning more?
Thought the third episode was better but a still a cop out on Rob and Grants side as it was an inferior copy of a classic episode with a bit of bladerunner chucked in for good measure.

I'd hoped for so much more but had guessed it would be ropey when the adverts started showing the stupid smart car starbug.
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Smegging fantastic.

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