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noway2 | 17:53 Mon 13th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
have you ever seen the rain,coming down ,on a sunny day


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And then a rainbow appearing.

yes - and I've driven down a road where it's been raining on one side and not the other...........spooky....
Question Author
very strange craft
Ooh, carft ... that must have been weird ... !

(hey ... fab answer from you on the "CHAV" thread, by the way)
thanks jj...
i have walked on one side of the road and its raining on the other, gradually coming over to me,
Yesterday, and days before.
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can you post link,steg
It's always really unusual to see that happening. But, when you think about it, the rain showers have to begin and end somewhere don't they?
I watch the rain on the motorway from the 17th green which was sunny
When I was a child we were told it was a monkey's birthday when it rained while the sun was out. Wierd but we never questioned it!

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