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Cryptic quiz name of a novel

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Dinnydoop | 16:20 Mon 13th Apr 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Hi -i'd be really grateful if anyone knew what the name of the novel is in aswer to this cryptic question:
'Garrett or Penthouse'. The words ae (4) (2) (2) (3).

I thought it could be Room at the top - but the letter numbers don't fit. Thanks v much!


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Room at the top
sorry - I didn't read the question fully!
i think it is room at the top, there has been a query on the fundraising quizzes site, but the setter has not answered it.
fund raising quiz site chorley?
sorry about that couldn't remember the address and was in a hurry to go out.

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Cryptic quiz name of a novel

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