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stokemaveric | 13:52 Tue 14th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
who needs them??? my secretary has been off work today and ive made my OWN coffee all


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sqad ... as you're the only bloke who's admitted to "trying it" ... I think you're the only bloke qualified to knock it (or not, as the case may be).

You're a sexy little dark horse, aren't you !

J x
Moi?........what you see is what you get and less of the "little" LOL
You must have enjoyed it sqad - if you went back for more...and more... for the full set of 3.

Good on you for admitting it.
Sorry, sqad ...

You're a big, naughty stallion !!!

JJ/salla......just indulge me for another moment.

When he qualified, he went to the USA , did Paediatrics, got married and had children. Some 3years ago, the telelphone went and this American accent introduced himself, saying that he was coming to Europe and could we meet up.
I told mrs sqad the story and she thought it quite funny and was keen to meet him and his wife. We spent 2days, all four of us, in a hotel in Barcelona and his wife was a sweet English Rose. LOL LOL.

No mention of Med School days LOL
That's fab, sqad ... I love it ... LOL

Good job you didn't get too trolleyed, and blurt out ...

"Hey, do you remember when ..."

Etc ...
A nice story to be able to tell I think - although some would disagree & just thing Ugh!

Lucky for your wives you both decided to stick with the female gender then eh? But - what if he HAD reapproached you with the same intent, 3 years ago? Let's say he had got the English Roses out the way, shopping or some such activity - and had suggesting revisiting those old times?
salla/ way....I think that i was a "passing fling".LOL
Oddly enough, he did quite well in the USA after a rocky start. He became a Vice President of Bristol -Myers and regaled us with stories at meal times.

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