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stokemaveric | 23:42 Mon 13th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
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if you are a the popes rent boy.......


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So you take the Pope's shilling as well as the Queen's mmm.
I want to apologise for the abuse last night, I could try and blame it on the wine but I was bang out.
I don't want to labour the point ot the breaks between terms but they are essential not just for tired teachers but also the young people.
It's not just about spouting whatever the subject area is it's giving them the skills to learn which can be quite an abstract concept to a person who would rather be doing anything than sitting in a classroom, this of course is not always the case but is true of some.
Finding a strategy to achieve this and then differentiating so all understand is challenging and accumulatively tiring.
Then there are the minority to who education is perceived by themselves to be irrelevant at this time in their lives and will either keep their heads down or be disruptive, dealing with these people and trying to get them to understand how important it is to grasp what they are being taught can also be wearing after a while but if you are really worth your salt and care you don't give up.
I do NOT want this to sound like a long moan, it's why we want to teach and all the fantastic highs far outweigh the lows. Seeing a child acheive their full potential no matter how small a part you may have played is the best feeling in the world and bumping into them in later years and finding that not just the "high flyers" but the "little toe rags" are all happy useful members of society is a feeling money can't buy.
Again,please accept my apologies.

p.s. I will still continue to be a naughtyboy ttough, the part of me that was once one of "the toe rags" will prevail on AB......

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