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For the People that had to go to work Today thread

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stompe | 20:43 Tue 14th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers


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That lets me out then?
Question Author
OK for some! xxxxx
off to watch holby catch you later x
Stompey wompey.
Not heard of either of them but I liked both songs.

What have they to do with going back to work ? Yes I went back today, I was glad to be honest.

Got me ITV tuned in.
Hi Cab
Question Author
Nothing to do with work !Cab xxxxxx

you must be younger then 40 LOL
Question Author
HI All xx
Hi chrissy wissy.

Hi bensmum good song.

There you go fishing again stompe, gonna buy you a rod LOL.
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evening all, just worked this morning helped my son re-roof his shed this afternoon
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Hello Roofy xxxxxxxxxxx {see i dropped the Aunty)
Question Author
Hello Roofy xxxxxxxxxxx {see i dropped the Aunty)lol
Question Author
Bollox {:(
lol stompe
did you all, see the weather its going to be the hottest day of the year so far tomorrow, so i had better get up early and work then can go outside to play

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For the People that had to go to work Today thread

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