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For Barmaid

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Joy11 | 11:37 Tue 14th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Good Luck today, really hope all goes well at Doc's, thinking of you x


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I've missed something here. Is everything ok with Barmaid? xx
She has found a painful lump, the size of a pea in one of her breasts, so she is off to the Doc's today.
Holy ****! That makes my swollen glands sound like a broken fingernail. I found a lump a few years back, but with antibiotics, it burst the next day. I'm led to believe that if it is painful, that is actually a good sign, cos cancerous lumps are rarely painful to the touch. Will be thinking of her. xxx
Hope it all goes well BM xxx
Good luck Barmaid, thinking of you and hope all goes well.
Good Luck Barmaid.....our thoughts are with you xx
Good luck Barmaid. That's what I was told NoMercy. When I went to the doc with a painful lump he said to keep an eye for a few days and he checked me over but said it was rare for a painful lump to be cancerous.
Good luck Barmaid..........hope all goes well xx
If it's any consolation to anyone on here - most worrying lumps are actually painless - the fact this is painful may be a good sign.
good luck barmaid xxx
Joy and everyone else. Thank you for your good wishes. The doctor has referred me to the breast clinic (although not as an emergency case which is good news). He suggested it may be a cyst, and says he thinks it is nothing to worry about but that there is clearly something there that requires further investigation.

I'm quite down (what with the OH, the cat and now this) and will probably not be around for a while - we'll see how I feel. But thanks every one very much for your kind words and support.
Hope you'll be ok Barmaid and you're feeling better soon.

So pleased to hear your good news Barmaid!
We'll be thinking of you. Sorry about your cat. Does OH know about your health worries? xx
No, he doesn't NoMercy and I don't want him to. I have cut all contact with him tonight. Some things are best just left! I would rather deal with this with my true friends - already two close girlfriends have insisted on attending the appointment. That is how it should be - not some man from the past.

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