How much is a divorce? And what is the charge actually for? Is there a charge if the couple has been seperated for more than 5 years? Do BOTH parties have to agree or can one file for divorce without the others' consent?
im a divorcee and i dont even know the answers to your question, the only part i understood was my decree absolute, that was the only thing that made me smile lol
Take leggy's advice......but in most cases at least one party will need a solicitor. Tho there are DIY divorce kits. The charges are the same no matter the period of seperation. These are for solicitors work in obtaining and filing the necessary court documents.
Now...go to Law...
After 5 years separation either party can apply for divorce without the consent of the other party.
Regarding cost, there is always a cost which covers solicitors fee, and court fee for administration and providing the decree nisi, and six weeks and 1 day later, the decree absolute. Cost could be somewhere in the region of �300/�400. That of course if there are no other financial or property matters to be decided.
Of course it is not necessary for both parties to agree. One can go ahead without the agreement of the other, and this is often the case. It's when 50% wants out.
It will be a HECK of a lot cheaper if you don't argue over kids, access, custody, every last little possession, when you can run it into thousands.
well mine was unbearably horrendous. Solicitors took thousands from me, all the money I had, mainly because my ex was vindictive, as we all can be in these situations, so there was lots to argue about. I walked away with nothing in the end and his and my solicitors/barristers etc probably made about 50 grand between them. The less you disagree about (sharing of finance, the kids, the dog etc) the less you need to pay for charges I'd think.