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Isn't it not a co-incidence that--

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lindylou16 | 19:24 Fri 17th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
CBers and drug addicts are called users


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whifffey you are a gent ;) (and hysterically funny :P)
Yep posty that is true so don't believe the liars on here.

Hello there haysi the noo, how is life in Glasgow?

I hope you are not drinking alcohol, as indeed I am not either the noo.

Fri 17/04/09

I had two apologies from the ED, so Gormless and whiffey will be back soon. I think it is all disgusting because I was never rude to anybody and was always very helpful. I give money to charity as well.

Thurs 24/07/08
I was voted ABUSER of the Year 2003-2005, Bye, love you all mwah xxxx except nonuts the ape and leg end the bore.
och aye jock mckay, I am having a wee vino collapso before I go ooot the nooo :P to Glasgow as it happens LOL
I've just come back from my first meeting so how did you all feel when you stood up and said

My name's ......... and I'm addicted to AB?

what i have said is true, the ed has aologised and said iut was a technical error /(again) i believe him, he is the real ed apparently from lasst september and is back in charge.

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Isn't it not a co-incidence that--

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