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just ordered a nice takeaway...mrs maveric has lit some candles

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stokemaveric | 22:23 Sat 18th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
and is now now having a nice soak in the bath...and she says she wants an early,romantic night with me....BUT MATCH OF THE DAY IS ON SOON....agggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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Record it stoke. You know you'll never hear the end of it otherwise.
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lol jan yes you are right...but i couldnt get to the match today and stoke won.....just my
bbc i it stokey otherwise you could be eating your bits for dessert......
What did you decide stoke , who scored , you or your team ? x
Plenty of time during the match analysis stokie

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just ordered a nice takeaway...mrs maveric has lit some candles

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