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MWB | 02:00 Sun 19th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Every morning when I get up, the first thing I do is give my 4 cats a few cat biscuits for their breakfast.

Honestly, the sound is deafening with all 4 crunching away. And when it's dinner time for them, (They get wet food) you'd think you were in Cambodia as the open mouthed, lip smacking munching they do is so loud too.



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It must be a treat when they are all washing aterwards.....

I've got 4 as well MBW. They don't feed at any particular time - just ALL the time!!
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Yeah, pasta.

The burping too.
...followed by snoring..
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Pasta & icey,

Do your cats have separate bowls & always use their own? Mine do.
Burping cats????
God have I not posted on this thread yet?

I must be losing my touch
Well we started out with good intentions MWB, but mine are greedy-pigs, go their own bowls first - and then dive in if they see anything left in the others!
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Nor have you answered on your, "Who wants to go on a cabbage hunt."

Get you act together or, as the Islanders say,

I'll give you the bash!

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I have to watch one of my cats, Auxilliary, as he will eat fast then muscle in on the others who eat at a normal pace.

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