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My god

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knobbynonut5 | 01:56 Sun 19th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
I have just met an old mate of mine today down the pub that used to be the ex brother in law of an old girlfriend of mine.

And guess what his name is he is called dave and he now lives in dagenham now as well and he is dodgy dave from dagenham and he has just fallen asleap on our sofa. nonuts/?action=view¤t=dodgydave.jpg


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Cheeekey beech
Is that a sort of tree?
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Yess and I have to go now a I amall logged out so G'night me litttle ice maiden and how the fook I managened to type that I dont know
Neither do I - LOL!! Night to you knobby. Remember to tell Dave to do the breakfast! : )

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