Do you have to share your meals with your animals? I have 2 birds a cockatiel and a hannes macaw and every morning they are watching every bite I take of my toast as they know they get a piece.And my lab I refuse to have him in room when eating as he looks at me as if he never got any food.
mine all know that i don't eat dog/cat food, therefore they shuldn't epect to eat people food. dosen't stop them looking at me like i haven't fed them for 2 weeks though.
I used to have a little evil streak of orange that knew anything on the plate was mine, anything in my mouth was mine but anything in between was fair game
Hee wendilla , my two look as though they haven't been fed for weeks too bednobs . I laugh the way their heads move simultaneously as they watch plate fork/spoon to mouth , mouth , fork/spoon back to plate ...and repeat ........
The lab sometimes drools , but the JRT doesn't . They don't get fed at the table but do sometimes get any laftovers , just a taste . x