Time now for another ditty�
Can you name a Northern City?
Can you solve a cryptic clue
And help such a good cause too?
You know you just cannot miss
Crofter's fourth Dragonfly Quiz!
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Quizzes-and-Puz zles/Question728173.html Well they are Towns really but that didn't fit!
I have just posted this but it hasn't appeared...so I am reposting it. Apologies if it appears twice!
I have had really good feedback on this quiz so far...so if you haven't sent for one...please do! If you have...many many thanks.
Crofter has just asked on another thread if you are all enjoying it...please feel free to post comments here!...He has said it may be his last...now what do we all have to say about that? :-))