Alright, there's this song and music video I've been trying to find, but can't remember since it's been like, 3 years or so. The music video is in Backwards style, where everything happens backwards but the band is playing perfectly normal. In the beginning it shows this couple in a room, and they start walking backwards out of that room only wearing underwear (the girl with a bra) and then they get on an elevator, then come out of the building, where the girl picks up her, umm im not sure, but there was a piece of clothing on the grass outside, and this keeps going until both of them are dressed and in a music store. where they just met each other. It's been like years, but I know that it was a good song, and i just really really want to remember it =p Thx for your help greatly!
Sounds like an ad that ran a few years back, I think it was for a mobile company, it basically hinted that this couple originally met in the store and then stripped their clothes off in lust as they made their way to his/her apartment. Sorry can't remember what company it was for
Coldplays Scientist does have a video shot totally backwards and involves a car crash with Chris Martin and a girl, I don't think it is what RllyNeed is looking for. I'm still racking my brains about the ad, it's been doing my head in, as my wife would tell you I won't let it drop till I have an answer
I'm only 13, I didn't get what you just said. And I took another look at the video. I'm not really sure it's the vid im looking for. I'm sure its a Music Video for a band, and the style's the same as the commercial video.
I was saying your description of the video was not very like the video in the link. And if you're only 13 you should be in bed at 3 o'clock in't morning.
THX GUYS AFTER ALL THESE YEARS I FOUND IT =D It's New Found Glory - It's not your fault. x] So happy, it's what I described, it's a music video, and just like I rememered it x] Thank you for all those who helped = D