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It's a duck's life....

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Bbbananas | 13:39 Tue 21st Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
... never mind a dog's life. I've just sat & had my lunch at the local duck pond; lovely views, in the sun, nice. Well, apart from the greedy beggars swarming on me like a scene from Hitchcock's 'The Birds' - after my bread bap. I just chucked them bits of raw onion - after a few of them gagged on that, they looked at me in disgust, quacked something to each other, then left. Result.... Anyway, I was watching these ducks & their little fluffy chicks & thinking, what a great life they have. All they do is swim, sun, sleep, dive for food and quack. That then got me to wondering - do the mothers feel protective & all maternal & loving towards their chicks like mothers do their newborn babes - or do they just chuck 'em out, give 'em a nudge to start swimming, throw a fish & them every now & then, but don't give a toss about them, emotionally-like? What do you peeps think? Does that ever cross your mind?


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My dog just lies there and lets them do anything to him, torn his ears off, crayons up his nose, detached tail, multi coloured dog now.
I wonder if the ducks fed raw onion all the time by tight mean people might refuse to look after their chicks on the ground they have been born stinking of a french man's onion plantation. If you had a mushroom sparrow and a mince dog down the park too well you could bottle the smell and sell it to 'little chef' to improve the inhouse aroma
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(They don't eat the raw onion - they spit it out in disgust).
mine don't

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It's a duck's life....

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