currently work part time-2 days a week as i have a toddler and im now pregnant again. my midwife appointments at my local surgery fall on one of the days i work, a partner at work has suggested i try a diiferent branch of the surgery where a midwife may be available on one of my days off, however my surgery has suggested i stay to my local branch so theres not a lot of travel in my later stages of pregnancy as i don't drive. what are my rights to having antenatel time off whilst just working 16hrs???
why not do the decent thing and explain that you cannot change the appointment but as you only work two days and will be absent for a few hours on one of them, you will make the time up on one of your 3 days off.
I understand that you don't have much choice over what days you have your midwife appointments, but looking at it from your employers point of view, I would be right p!ssed off if someone who only worked 2 days a weeks wanted time off for appointments. What is wrong with the other 3 days when you are not at work?
Like I say, I know it can't be helped, I am just seeing it from an employers perspective, especially one who may not have kids.
i have already consulted my doctors and there appointments are mon and weds at both surgeries the days i work are mondays and wednesdays, i have spoken to my employer and discussed the suggestion made by one of the other partners but he has no problems with my time of work as he said im honest and have worked late many times in the past unpaid and he knows i dont take the p*ss. i can see it from an employers point of view...thats the reason i tried to change initially!