Apparently the average handbag has 67 ITEMS in it!!! 67!! What on earth is in those bags??? If you have a handbag or a man bag there is no doubt something in there that you really should have thrown away ages ago, have a rummage and tell us what really shouldn't be in there? x
67!!! i have my purse, keys (do all the keys and keyrings count as separate items?), hairbrush, diary, book, deoderant, mobile phone and possibly a tissue. so a total of 8 things for me, all necessary apart from the tissue really. 67??? where is this figure from, it seems ridiculous!
apologies- also have my glasses case, a tube of handcream and a small manicure set, and would often have a lip balm in there too bringing my total up to 12, still a far cry from 67