well after 25 bloody hard years working in engineering..i'm not gonna have a shoe shop assistant trying to take the p1ss...run along and play with some jimmy choo's..oh! sorry! you don't sell that upmarket stuff..do you???
in case anyone wonders why gonzo spat his dummy out and got abusive, i made a quip about him being a coded engineer and asked if he needed to press a keypad before he went to work, of course that was such a terrible thing to suggest and his response was wholly appropriate and i totally get how insulted he felt when i made my hurtful and insulting remark, lol
gonzo i think you are making a mountain out of a molehill and maybe you over reacted. I am not a shoe shop assistant either, i am a retail manager, but obviously a engineer is far better at insulkting women than i am at insulting engineers and so i shall let you have that one
lol dot..don't you have to go "pick your 21 year old son up" from work now???..in other words...bog off!
ps. don't forget to wipe his little @rse for him while your at it!!!!! :0)
stonekicker, I think you are the only one thats stands any chance of understanding any of the drivel that gets posted on CB.
If I read much more of this I will be in need of your services so I'm off to bed!
sorry c1..not in my nature to be nasty usually but ever since dot had her little hissy fit with knobby,she's been hanging around like a vulture and nipping in every now and again with her little quips and insinuations...i sincerely apologise for ruining your thread,,but as i said,i've worked way to hard to let someone like dot come along and try to have a laugh at my expense.
i apologise and shall say no more.
Hi c1. We can try to get the thread going again...
Im trained as a Community Development Worker but am studying to become a Teacher for Kids with Special Needs and work part time as a School Escort for two wee boys with serious Visual Impairments.