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some people on this site are not very good at using it

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dot.haukes | 22:33 Wed 22nd Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
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are they?


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Why would we report it? It's not offensive in any manner....
or attempt to get folks to insult her leggy?????????
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i am sure i did say what i meant near the beginning but i ened up on the defensive cos my opinion seemed to be not allowed. i read back over the last few pages and the there just seemed something not quite right, i don't know why, some answers made no sense and seemed out of context and out of order, noone mentioned any bannings, so i expect people have been misusing the site, that is what i meant and i am sure people would have seen i meant that. it's not bizarre, it's not alcohol, i am allowed to make commenst, and it is not meant to p[lease delight horrify or offend, it is a point i made, people seem so very quick lately to try to insult me, and some of them seem to be sitting waiting to have a pop. (not ummm or leg tho)
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hi ziggy, no need for valium i'm tired enough to sleep now but got to pick son up at 11.30.
dot im really tryin to be impartial here


cant you just say what u mean ?

im totally confused

and think maybe this is a personal dig at one user ?�?�
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why is this thread shrinking?
blip wibble wibble flop dooooerrr flab dabadooo.
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no it isn't i have explained twice what i think i mean, it's not a dig at one user, unless that one user has been using several ids today and messing about, but who has gone from this thread it seems to keep staying at 54 posts!
I haven't looked through many threads today Dot - I actually can't work up the energy! However, I guess what you are meaning is that some of the threads don't seem to flow, as if there are missing answers - like when someone has been banned and all the answers disappear - EXCEPT there doesn't seem to be anything inflamatory going on and no-one is talking about anybody being banned.

Is that it?
Question Author
Yes that's exactly how i said it i am sure thanks annie, i'm definately not crazy i know that but it makes you wonder if you are talking the same language, maybe i should try text speak!
I think that maybe if you had a particular example to illustrate your point it may help - I think we are all too tired and you are obviously not winding down like us "heading up to bed soon" people, cos you need to go out and get your boy - a mother's work is never done is it!
I sometimes think that unless you are on more, there are inside jokes going on that obviously make sense to those involved, but to an outside observer just look odd - maybe that's it.
I get what you mean now. It was hard in the beginning though. It seems at times to be one massive thread with loads of private conversations going on between different people.

Is that the kind of thing you mean?
Question Author
all of the above, thanks annie and ummm, though some of the stuff i read was seemingly one or two people posting in several ids, IMO. When i am around all day it mostly makes little sense either though lol

why are you still zapped ummm? i asked you last night, you were not on 'that thread' were you? (don't mention twitter)
see, now you ARE confusing me as I don't know what "THAT" thread is and why people were banned - I just sit with my bemused face on most of the time - I have lost too many brain cells to keep up - spend all day having to think, can't cope with anything too deep in the evening! Anyhoo - I really need to go to bed.

S'later :o)
I'm not actually zapped. If I post in 'ummmm' my answers appear about 1/2 an hour good for a bit of banter...!!

I might contact the Ed if it doesn't fix itself tomorrow :-(
same here ummmmmm but i'm back now , that's all that matters

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some people on this site are not very good at using it

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