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golfingpro | 09:30 Sun 26th Apr 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Thanks in advance if you can help me with these - all connected to dance

38 Record holder for a jump with 12 beats of the feet (5,5)
39 The correct term for the above record (9,5)
8. Turn white (5)


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8 Tango
38. Wayne Sleep
39. Entrechat Douze
Could you possibly help me with -
10. Where you can gamely accuse the lady in red (8)
28. Do you sit down to perform this? (3,5)
28. possibly lap dance
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Thanks for your help

10. Ballroom - cleudo
28. Lap dance
x-ray and golfingpro thanks very much for those!

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