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I just

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knobbynonut5 | 21:49 Wed 29th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Pinched my arse.
To see if I was for real.

Any ideas?


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Did you pinch the inner blue bit or the outer hairy red bit?
knobby wheres the arsenal game �

is it online
Or did you slip into the chocolate starfish?
Question Author
Yea Dr leg. iraq goals or veetle but sky sports 2 is better.

You haven't answered about which bit of your bum you pinched. Don't feel embarrassed, even from a squatting position you can still scratch your ar$e.
Question Author
Your slipping whifffey, it took you 2 minutes there to change into serphiel
Question Author
How are you getting on chatting up the lorry driver then gormless whiffey?
I love the fact that knobby still thinks I'm Whifffey.
Oh dear me knobby, you have got it bad haven't you!
I'm waiting for the moment when Whifffey and I post in the same thread at exactly the same time.

That will really mess up monkey boy's brain.
Dont you usually leave that to parkbench tramps for payment for letting them give you place to sleep when lippy chucks you out? lol! The Apprentice is Apprentice..................lardarama,homonono and knubby are mine......LOL!
Crazy I wish you hadn't picked that name 'cos I keep thinking of Krustie......
Question Author
lardarama,homonono and knubby are mine......LOL!


Just be careful prart as mines are well known to blow up in your face if you dare to touch them.

Be aware, be very very aware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just be careful prart as mines are well known to blow up in your face if you dare to touch them.

As are waiters c0cks..........................just ask the wife......
Question Author

Wed 29/04/09

I'm waiting for the moment when Whifffey and I post in the same thread at exactly the same time.

That will really mess up monkey boy's brain.


Now that is really gormless
Question Author
Methinks you need another dizipan dozyclown.

Mehinks? Has your carehome brought word of the day loo roll?

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I just

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