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i bid thee farewell

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SLINKYKATE | 00:40 Fri 01st May 2009 | ChatterBank
98 Answers
i am going to stay away from this site for a while,it is getting to abusive for me,it used to be fun ,but lately the arguing is spoiling all the good threads,i have grown quite fond of a lot of you but some i can do without,so take care,god bless x x x x


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So, Seraphiel, a female can't call someone 'love' now? That's a really stupid thing to say! I hope you feel as stupid as you've just made yourself look, love.

sera ur told now
It's like Abbott & Costello's, "Who's on First."

funniy enough mwb its all different names

but the same old crap

bell end

is that supose to hurt?


she obviously thinks im actually bothered
its like pulling legs off a spdier

theyve no idea at all

Sticks & stones, mate.
Goodnight everyone! keep the flames up that fat jock nonces ar$E,may a heart attack mean he'll never wake up!Well i suppose him being constantly on here is like a living death anyway!LOL! night troops!
*Princess*, I didn't think you'd bite quite so soon. Or so hard.
sera wethinks you got prinny on the run


good work
On the run? Don't be ridiculous!

Just, what else would I have to say? Everyone knows what people like you are like on here, most choose to ignore such crap!

It's very attention seeking to bring up a thread that had pretty much been finished, you know...
2nd bite

can yoU spell


can you spell pathetic attention seeking loser who people laugh at?




Yes i can

* P R I N C E S S *

?�? D T F H �?�
No, it did not ******* help. Why on Earth would make you think that it would help?

If only you could see that you do not help ANYONE on this site!
Fri 01/05/09
01:42 can you spell pathetic attention seeking loser who people laugh at?

Fri 01/05/09
01:43 Yes i can

* P R I N C E S S *

pretty straightforward

calm your jets skank

Being called a 'Skank' by someone like you doesn't bother me. You're nothing!
Lol i know better : 0)
To be fair, 'skank' is a pretty desperate insult, you're clearly scraping the barrel!

Like I've said to you many times, I have a life, whereas you live and breathe this site, which is quite frankly, weird and pathetic.

No toddle off to bed as you won't get any more answers from me on this thread. Night, love.
lol bellend?

whatever skank


you wish : 0)

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