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China Doll | 15:38 Fri 01st May 2009 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Just had my first (well second actually, I had one for breakfast as well) frappy of the summer... If you're a fan then try the new dark berry mocha one, it's a small taste of heaven!

I love the sunshine!



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...................hides crocs under sofa........
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I probably need those too Craft after the frappys! (Going for steak though so won't be needing anything tight around the tummy).

Yeah seriously Triggs... I sort of wish we hadn't given all my grans stuff to charity, I could probably have found one in there... And some nora batty tights to complete the look. Actually, I need to try it on with the dress really, otherwise I'll need to do a quick re-evaluation of what I'm wearing tonight.
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Oooh sorry Craft, I don't mean to be horrid... I just loath crocs with a passion and am a complete shoe freak! You're really not seeing me in my best light! (Actually you probably are).

Well I'm off to a place called Butcher and Grill for dinner this evening with a girl I used to live with. I might go see dad on Sunday, other than that not much else planned. I want to see the Wolverine film too...

In other news, the slip actually works and the dress isn't so see through.... Sigh! Remind me never to attempt to 'get lucky' wearing that!
lol china....I do have crocs but only wear them for gardening as they are washable.......hope you have a lovely BH and am sure the outfit will be fine....
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Cheers dears, you guys have fun too.

Triggs - Didn't know you'd be in India, I'll catch up with you another time and you can tell me about it, sounds ace.
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