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knobbynonut5 | 12:52 Sat 02nd May 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Come and get it!!!!!!!!!!!


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Whoops I am soooooo banned
Im all willied out Im afraid
naaah.....not very pretty is it......
cafrt how u ya drunken old bint

am in fine fettle leggs.....however keep speaking polish or gibberish....
I had an ominous thought that knobby may post his sunglasses pic again :o
Question Author
Might do
which one is that cazzz?
welll ud have done well here last nite

a few grey cabbages showedtheir hands

some a bit too much and now have revealed themselves

hell hath no fury like a woman spurned

it was knobbys meat n veg, decorated with sunglasses

most of us have nightmares about it even now...
no way leggy......
thanks cazzz...was thinking of preparing brunch, not so sure now....

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