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maddie pics

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gina32 | 18:11 Sat 02nd May 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
do you think that the new pics of maddie mc cann look like they think she would after 2 years, obviously we dont know but i dont see much likeness


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I really hope so. If your an avid CSI fan, like what I am (as am I) you wil see how experts can mould a face to anticipate ageing by 30/40 even 50 years. I would imagine the current picture give her parents renewed hope.
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A pointless exercise, does anyone really believe this will help?
i still despise these two.
I know that I too would try to retain some kind of hope of her wellbeing was I the parent but, two years on, I fear the worst.
No.Know. How can you despise someone you don't even know. I agree they were extremely foolish and careless, but that doesn't make them wicked. What's more they are paying for their carelessness with relentless pain that I wouldn't wish on a living soul.
I agree gina - there does'nt seem to be much likeness - from the age of 4 to 6 some children's faces do not slim down that much - I hope and pray this little girl is still around somewhere and she will be found.

They were saying in the paper a few days ago, they now think she woke up and wandered out of the apartment through the unlocked patio door, trying to find her parents. Apparently the soft toys were neatly arranged on her bed and if someone snatched her they would'nt have stopped to do that. Once outside she was then lured away by a evil bast$$d.

I agree, the McCanns were so wrong to leave them children, but they will pay in guilt for the rest of their lives.
Sat 02/05/09
17:51 No.Know. How can you despise someone you don't even know.


and no one knows (other than them) that they didn't kill her.

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