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horse tips of the day..................

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stokemaveric | 11:28 Sat 02nd May 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
mastercraftsman...3.10 newmarket...amour propre...3.45 newmarket...russian around...3.55 uttoxeter...spring of fame...4.55...newmarket.....get on em....


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Na way pedro
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dont start crying later knobby................
I always do
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lol knobby....maybe this is the day when they will be tears of joy................
Better be or I will send bouncer round
Whats the method behind this stokemaveric? Not just picking like JJ's name-u-like method is it?
Question Author
lol not at all squitty...they are selections off people i know within racing circles...they e mail me the tips and i share them on here...but as they say nothing is a cert. but at least its fun....

On Ab!!!!!!!!

Cheers Stokie!
Had a �1 lucky 15 for �15
2 out of 4 but won �128
yoo hoo! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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horse tips of the day..................

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