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Snap Doc - well almost, got the Le Froglet for a change because neither of us like Chardonnay + the Belgian Choc Mousse - excellent value isn't it? Also, we had it last night, tonight it is smoked salmon/egg salad with Jersey Royals and a Chilean SB. PS. those are home-grown free range eggs and home smoked salmon straight from the river + rocket, lettuce, onion and watercress from the garden-cannot grow radishes, the soil is too rich!
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to all who have pushed me to the edge of oblivion on this damned Xword.............I finished it and prompty screwed it up and threw it in the shredder! So there! Thank you all for the help, you really did take me from no-where this week.
Physicsgirl, well done for getting the miniPG into her waterwings so soon, they learn so quickly as baby's (used to teach Ma and baby classes in the olden days) just be prepared that she might, just might, suddenly become very fearful when she learns to walk, something to do with the gravity/terra firma thing I believe, they seem to soon get over it if you persevere with a couple of weeks of screaming and howling and then they are off like little fishes!