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the definition of a juxtaposition

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dot.haukes | 21:56 Sat 02nd May 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers


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There are a lot of artists in that Glasgow.

Just jesting - I love Scotland.
selling shoes


working ??�?�
Question Author
I know, dream job i have eh? LOL, jealous? I could put in a word for the men's dept in selfridges
The Divine Discontent (Contributors to this site)
There's nowt wrong with Weegies.
I really dont have to say anything on this thread as it has all been said for me
-- answer removed --
Question Author
i don't know, I might lol
Question Author
I know I saw Back To the Future dozens of times but I am not technical see.
or paralytic

are you not going to the mad over 50's club tonight dot?
Question Author
No I am babysitting tonight craft, X men2 is on thank gawd, I am sick of Bamzooki and need some eye candy and Wolverine even hairy is better than that!

I took my grandson to the pictures to watch this when it came out and we have it on dvdvd but we still have to watch it, he's trying to talk me in to taking him to see the new one,
dot I'm not taking the ****....I meant the mad over 50's thread in Q&'s on every Saturday from 8:00pm...
Hawkes you are a troll.

Full stop end off

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the definition of a juxtaposition

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