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Legend !

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stompe | 22:41 Sat 02nd May 2009 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
You havn't told us about you Facebook Friend!

Dont be Shy!


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Legend you have been Rumbled mate! have you a web cam like to see your face right now PMSL
anyway, why waste my time with you sad idiots sitting on here 24/7 talkin about stevie third

GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!

i smelll


ima are so...............crap
stompe....what have I missed.....why have you fallen out with leggy, nokno and knobby?
i think i was near the mark

wasnt i


couch still waiting if required

you can go cold turkey from the power of the dark side

you know it to be true!!!!

dont fight it!!!
craft,the fools think he`s me
Question Author
legend show us your Book on all of us here.!

Cross referenced, detailed time and places Etc

Must be a thick book on me!

Now run alone sonny and leave the big boys alone!

DTH it....sounds quite decadent....
the only person that i know for definite had pictures of all the facebookers from cb

was john lambert

he was admin of the cotwu group

hes since been banned from here

but bhe even had pictures of me on his pc too and posted here boasting about it

stomnpy youre either getting me confused with the banned freak lambert or just talkin crap

i have no pictures of you

then again

would they be of the male you or the female you ??


cfart stomps always been liek this with me from he appeared he wasa user here before and wont say whom

and hes also noway as well.
Question Author
Check back! its there in black & white! its you!!
ive reported this thread as abusive and will be emailing the editor

lamberts back it seems??
Evening Leggy, craft - and stompe. Stompe - you've posted controversially here, which'll result in the thread being zapped, along with maybe your user-name. Leggy isn't on FB, and the vile comments are by seasoned trolls, out to cause trouble.
Have a nice evening all of you.

starting to warm up now craft

as was struck with vaders lightsaber last night and had to recover

as he found me to be too witty and a threat to his dominance (PMSL) of this site

getting it back now

all in good time
back to full health

stick with me craft

hello Ice.Maiden.....myarse seems nice (LOL) but he's making me rather nervous.....
icey wethink the eds gone but ive used report button as abusive
so sod stmpaway

cfart stomps always been liek this with me

spelling pegleg

its "like" s.f.b !!!!!!!!
Hi craft. Well, you sink onto ma's couch at your own peril - LOL! Make sure it's a leather one, and not some cheapo!
On a serious note, I'm referring to posts by the fake Legend - totally untrue. I know this thread's been reported already, but it's here to add witicisms - or further vile innuendos until it disappears.
Question Author
Well im still here! stop sniding me Legend and i will not reveal other things your up to! Ok?

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