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Am I ace or flying through space.

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bazigi | 02:59 Sun 03rd May 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
It's hard work being omnipotent.


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Baron von Richthoven was under the same illusion; however, he realized, too late, a downfall.
It just comes naturally to some.
I felt omnipotent on an earlier thread.
Don't feel much like it at the moment though...
nearly falling asleep....yawn..night,night....
Awww.... you DID suddenly become impotent didn't you, Omnitep? No, no!! I meant..... it came out all wrongly....I should've said..... : )
Errr...stop while you're ahead hun...
You may be impotent

sadly there will be no fun for you then?



iam the messsssssssssssssssssssssssiahhhhhh

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Am I ace or flying through space.

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