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Der why?

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knobbynonut5 | 12:21 Mon 04th May 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
This question is banned
Mon 04/05/09


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Well it said in my profile that it was banned.

who's playing the fool then?
because you are posting ovaltine
Question Author
You know I dont like fish
Can we look forwards to a whole day of your complete 'horlicks', then knobby ?

Surely you could take Lippy out somewhere today......... ?
Question Author
Nope she is working wiping old peoples bums and cleaning up there vomit and changing their colostomy bags etc.

So if you don't like it then you know what to do towser
Well, couldn't you pop over and see your son................the one whose birthday you forgot ?
Question Author

Could you log off and go away and not read things that you dont like.

Simples innit or does your brain cell not work like that
Or you could behave like a rational, sane human being and stop posting inarticulate effluvia all the long day...............

Question Author

You dont like...................

You dont read.....................

Now is that to complicated for your little mind to understand
How about if you rifled through the vast cavern of your mind to see if you can find something, anything interesting or entertaining to post...........?
well first it's knobby then it's me and then it's knobby

who you going to pick on next Jack ?

obsessional behaviour from the person living in a glass house i would say
Morning, noknow..............getting your retaliation in first, I see.........
Maybe he'll pick on me next.

Cause what I'm gunna type is gunna annoy our wee Jacky.

I find all your posts very interesting & funny, knobby!
Might get him to eat his hat.

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Do you know the answer?

Der why?

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