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knobbynonut5 | 12:47 Mon 04th May 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
A bad feeling about this.

Its too quite on here, where are all the cabbages?

Is it the calm before the storm then?


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i had sauerkraut on me salad yesterday ..........lovely

just spellcheck sauerkraut for me dot.
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Why has the ol bint leap frogged over me with her last thread?

Could it be her new browser?
Question Author
Ohhhhh she's back where she belongs now.

Underneath me.

Who's ferkin around then?
Kia Ora, knobby & no-kno. :)

How's things?
hello nonoks

did stompway2 get banned?

i went to me bed as it was slower than sh1t in the neck of a bottle here last nite
hola mwb

i see dottys got a spellchecker

that should make her posts easier to read then eh ?
Sup, leggy.

Dots posts will NEVER be easy to read.
Oi with you being a kiwi that could be seen as racist !!!
Na, man. Me & the bros - wes good man.

Gunna have a consultation hui, man. Then a hangi, cause wes hungry for a feed, ow.

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Evening gang
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How is you fellas?

Any fellesses here yet, ow?
This is eerie.

Not one cabbage!

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