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Would you sponsor me?

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chrisrob | 12:55 Tue 05th May 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Considering participating in World Naked Bike Ride and wondering if I could get sponsorship.
Would it be better to be sponsored for how much I wear or how much I take off?
Does it make a difference if I look like this: t-man.jpg
or this: ?


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I think the ability to be able to cycle around the world should be sufficient to gain sponsorship
Oy, thats my dad lol
Neither of them are on bikes.

They won't raise much.
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if you were a woman i might raise something.

if yo are a bloke then the starting point has to be a michelin man suit then id sponsor you for every layer on top of that. if you can cycle anywhwre like that then id part with a 50p coin perhaps.
I'd sponsor you if you looked like the one in your second link but I'd have to "sample" the goods first.

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