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Best job in the world... winner announced

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Nosha123 | 14:23 Wed 06th May 2009 | News
20 Answers 8035168.stm

What a lucky guy! And a Brit too!!! We should be proud of him winning amongst those thousands of applicants!!!!!

Good luck to him and are we jealous

HELL YEAH!!!!!!!


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Jealous? Moi?
i thought the best job in the world was being Megan Fox's minge trimmer?
Who's Megan Fox?
Question Author
Not only is he working for 6 months in an amazing country.. he will earn over �10,000 PER MONTH!!!!! and can you just imagine the opportunites he will get after this role finishes

What a lucky guy!
I read it Nosha and was well impressed and jealous....but won't it be a let down when he has to come home...
craft... get your bag of stars ready...
she is a rather beautiful but hairy gorgeous woman crafty.
Question Author
Hey Craft.. I bet he wont come home.. not after that kind of job.. He'll be snapped up by some other journo/travelling kind of job.. or maybe a TV channel to present a travel program... Yes it would be a bit of a let down to come back and into his old way of life.. but if he is going to be aby good at the job.. he could be the next Judith Chalmers... (OK thats a bit harsh.. but he could be the next Lonely Planet presenter or something!)

It'll open up some amazing opportunities for him!
Jee.. I think I am turning green here now! Sooooo jealous!!!!!
You cheating Brits!!!!!!!

We New Zealanders should have won it.

You must have rigged it somehow!

Question Author
Hello MWB.... how is life in NZ today???
Listen.. you beat us at Rugby all the time.. we have to be allowed to win SOMETHING!!! he he
snags you don't need me you are a true star...
Nosha...............MWB is an illegal immigrant.....
^ Ooooh... like that Jade Goody?
It was all a fix! The competition was run by the Aussie tourist board, & they made sure it got loads of publicity on the media. Who are the most numerous visitors to Australia...the Brits, of course
Alright then. You can have this. But nothing else!

NZ is really good but getting colder.

And it's late, 12.47am.

Ka kite ano.
steady on snag..............I said star not saint.....
Question Author
Hey carrust how can it be a fix.. if it was Joe Public who voted for the winner!!!!
It wasn't a fix but a great publicity stunt!
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Morning all! Just popped on to say that I wish the guy the best of luck. It won't all be sun, sea and sand - but better than slaving away like some folk have to.
Hope he proves himself worthy of the salary, and it doesn't really matter which country he's from. If he's up to the job - great.

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