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arguing again, why? why i ask you?

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No,Knowledge | 01:02 Fri 08th May 2009 | ChatterBank
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what compelled you to re-post the link and highlight the thread?
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just to show the difference between the argumentative element on here and the nice element me dot

What made you change your ways then?
Question Author
How very dare you!
That was a good morning read....
lmao at some of the star lurkers

one in particular


i couls see the crap he was posting too.
theres none so blind as those who either dont want to see

or feel they are aloof

get a grip dickwad you really are up your own arse matey

: 0)
Why? Simple, folk (me included sometimes) love a good row. Where else can you argue away in the comfort of your own without the fear of getting your face re-arranged except on the net?

The threads generate the most posts and I'm willing to bet that they also generate the most lurkers too, those who love reading it but don't say anything.
*comfort of your own home*
Lol i love the day to day contradictory posts too.
One day lambasting folk .
Next day going all out to praise them.

Someone might think it is dependant on how chummy you are with the main contributors eh ?

I'm never surprised by the way folk will constantly contradict themselves lmfao : 0)
I love reading it BOO....cheers me up no end :-/

That was pretty lame compared to some though....!!!
always makes me laugh when users who claim they are hardly ever on appear on these threads as if they have been sitting lurking all evening, or posting as someone else.

always pop up when they want to have a go

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arguing again, why? why i ask you?

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