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Times 24, 221

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Timessolver | 18:59 Sat 09th May 2009 | Crosswords
9 Answers
13d is SCALLYWAG. Entirely = 'all', unknown - 'y', comedian = 'wag', but where do the 'S' and 'C' come from?


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What's the clue please?

From the clue that you have not posted?
sc = 'scilicet', Latin for 'namely' (that is)
Well there you are then. Obvious.
Sorry guys :-( Think I'll have dins...
You're both right - that was rude of me & I apologise...

The clue reads -

13d "Rogue that is entirley unknown to comedian" (9)
Or 'entirely', even...

Good grief, I need a drink!..
Question Author
Well, here's the clue. 'Rogue that is entirely unknown to comedian.' Thanks again, Lie-in King. I didn't know that Latin ecxpression. . .
Question Author
I mean expression.

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