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G'night folks

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knobbynonut5 | 21:51 Sat 09th May 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I am off for an early night now as lippy has promised me a bit of inverted tongue in cheek.

The dirty cow.

Whats the best offer that you have had tonight then?


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where did u find ur k nob
2 weeks in Hergarda, hardly compares i know but i admire your charity work
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It was filed before J and before L.

Simples annit
''I am off for an early night now as lippy has promised me a bit of inverted tongue in cheek''

Christ... there are some things it is just not possible to 'unread'...
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Well I hate to say this snags but that made me laugh
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lol@knobs lolling @snags

nite knobs
see ya later if she dozes orf


nytol mate
O think we will see the knobster later but he adores Lippy and treat her like a princess -so have a nice night both x
A bottle of wine-no company apart fom millions of recorded Come Dine With Me 's-yee haa!!!

Cant get better :)
-- answer removed --

the vinos been out tonite

charrri is on


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G'night folks

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