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slides to computer

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brick2 | 09:57 Sat 09th May 2009 | Technology
4 Answers
Can anyone recommend a decent machine for transferring transparencies (slides) to computer? I recently bought one and it didn't work so any help would be appreciated. I have a cupboard full of slides that I want to get rid of! Many thanks in advance.


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Have a look at this Eson Scanner I have been using one for about 2 years with good results, I've transfered all of my 35mm slides to the computer & then burned them to DVD ( use DVD R/W) you can then correct any errors before transfering to DVD R & then use the DVD R/Ws again. Ron.
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Many thanks for that info chaps. I'll certainly look into those products and will let you know what comes of it as and when. Good to get reliable recommendations. Thanks a million.

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