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dog warden

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Connemmara | 19:14 Mon 11th May 2009 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Was here today and informed me that my dog was barking.

My dog lives with me inside the house day and night - sleeps in my bedroom but obviously when I let him out for a bit of air he barks at the birds and children playing and screming. What can I do I keep him as quiet as I possibly can


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"And yet no one has mentioned the "screaming children"? "

I my post

"but I don't agree that animals or children"
I meant the screaming stage Cazz, but I guess you already knew that- didn't you?
Mon 11/05/09
18:27 I am an animal love


is that a boast sqad?
boo - maybe it's time for you to think about moving to a 'retirement village'. lol
lol boo, yes, the screaming stage isnt all that long, infact kids grow pretty quickly, before long they will be grown and gone
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thanks for all your answers - they were all pretty good. Especially as I feel the same re the screaming children - when I have my window open at night in the living room I sometimes wonder where the children get the strength to boom at the top of their voices. It is absolutely unbelievable.

Anyway back to my dog he does be in with me most of the time and when I go out he is with me in my car when I go shopping. Yes dog warden said it was "at the back of me" - nobody in my street.

Anyway I will be writing a strong letter today to the Dog Ward - she caught me on the hop so early in the morning. The other thing - I wanted to know - how can they pick u on one dog- there are another 12 dogs in my street along - I have to say they are nearly always kept in but like my dog they have to get out to breathe. I was upset all day yesterday but have calmed today.

If the dog warden was to come back a second time what should I do!! Thanks for replies. It is 7.34 am and my dog is lying sleeping in my bedroom like a bug in a rug and that will be him until perhaps 9.00 and that is from 8.00 pm last night. So excuse me what do they want me to do?????

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