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stompe | 21:41 Mon 11th May 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Does a ladies size 8 piece of clothing cost the same as a size 20?

Less material should cost less!



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Sometimes it costs more - and youre right it should be half the price !!!!!
I don't think so. That's why they were moaning about bigger bras costing more.
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All the 'bargain bins' are full of ginormous big bras and big sizes, therefore making the wee size 8-10 more expensive lol
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Hi Wee Al & ummmmm

Its a con!

Same with baby clothes!
why would a single bloke ponder this?
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Yes and Men! Poodicat x
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Your wife told me your a tight sod NoKnow,{:)
is it hell a con, the cost of the material weighed against the labour to produce the item and the logistics of transporting the item becomes minimal.

Hi stompe :-)
evening all ,i had an iron maiden morning stompe
where you gone. I'm all bereft without you. I have no one ;0(
lol!! xxx
Question Author
Is that like a chastity belt? Roofy xx {:)
It works like this, they cost the garment's materials, manufacture and dispatch / delivery, merchandising and labelling based on an average price of the size range and the overall production costs.

In actual fact, outside of the high end garment industry, all production values and retail prices are set at a sum and the garment is produced to meet that price target. simples.
Hey Sachs, sorry been on the bl00dy phone for yonks lol
Charmin! ;0) I've got to go to bed my friend x
I need plenty of beauty sleep & enough time to put my slap on in the morning! I hope you're good mrs? Missing you on here!
Im fine, hope youre well too missus!!

Yeah get some beauty sleep hahaha, I need some too, wont be long till Im snoring my head off.

Will email ya soon xxx
stompe, so sorry, good evening to you! x
weeal, i'm off. Glad you're o.k xxx Email whenever xxx
There was a debate about this on T.V the other day and I think that sometimes when you are a small size like I am, you can end up paying more.
A shop assistant once told me it's because the average woman is a size 16 or over so that's why they make more clothes in large sizes and he smaller ones are less in demand.
I agree with you though on the price thing x
oh ok then, I assumed an informed answer would actually get stars too!!!!!!!!!! tut

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