did anyone else watch the Peruvian( i assumed) Indian street musicians performing in Market Square Wigan today? I watched them for half an hour and they were amazing. Has anyone seen them anywhere else and what is their name, they seemed to have a CD in a suitcase behind them but they were performing the whole time and so i didn;t get to see what it was.
One or two, but i am working on the idea that these Peruvian Indians have not just travelled 3000 miles for half a day's gig in Wigan!!!!!! Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
mushroom did they have very large headdresses made of brightly coloured feathers that went all down their backs? they looked amazing, i recorded some of it on my mobile.
and what about the theory that the Peruvian Indians i saw last year may not be the same Peruvian Indians you saw today and in fact there may be more Peruvian Indian street musicians than just them you saw in Wigan today.
i doubt your Peruvian Indians are the real McCoy if they only travelled 3000 miles i bet they were Irish
They are very very good, i wonder if their CD is available anywhere else, actually i will check out the wigan library across from the store and see if they have any info, they are usually very good at stuff like that.