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Who wants to join me in a..................

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MWB | 12:59 Thu 14th May 2009 | ChatterBank
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see ya no merc xxx

helllo bathy whats crackalackin there ????
Thurs 14/05/09
12:10 Question Author

Live & let live, eh?

and kill loads of artists gigging northern clubs with passive smoking excellent idea.
See ya Leg. You can text me on either the Spanish or English moby... xx
ewwwwww what a choice

lol : o)
After the first drag they don't taste minty at all. It's just that the white tips look so much classier than the tan-coloured ones...... ;-)
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Same artists killing us with their musak!

The best cigs ever are Davidoff slims in the white pack. I've only ever seen them at Heathrow. I like a ciggie when I'm having a drink (and you can smoke anywhere in Spain) but can take them or leave them at all other times.
i feel so guilty now when i think back to some of them diners that had finished their meal and then lit up to blow smoke all over my table, i feel guilty because i was often rude to them .

it was often the only pleasure they got blurghhhh urghhhh cough splutter blarggh bofff cough urghhh arghhhhhh.

that's better .
gave them up 12 yrs ago, but people smoking doesn't bother me at all, I think the pubs have suffered for the ban,,,
Ello leg- just thought i'd pop in and see what i've been missing xx
awww nice Bathy hello leg ...............nice!
What's wrong with that nokno? Someone has acknowledged me, i've responded.....simple good manners!
How's you, nokno? xx
i'm upset :0(
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Somethings wrong!

Can you feel it? Can you taste it?

It's very palpable.
oi nonoks

bathys ok

and shes on fackbook too !!!!!

now that's an anomaly

thanks leggy...............I'm on FB
yes please but im haveing my inhalator instead desperatley trying to give up

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Who wants to join me in a..................

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