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knobbynonut5 | 21:01 Thu 14th May 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Ronald M'cdonald was not in residence so I thought I might try to find a few clowns on here.


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I thought you were going out.
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Read the post you idjot
No, only a few moments ago you said you were going out. How much of a liar are you?
oh get a room..........!
long while since i heard them knobby,
good though.
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We got one in saffend posty
stuck in the middle with you.Priceless
No Postdog, don't try to trivialise this. How often have you been down to the dump to drop off an unwanted wardrobe, and someone approaches you and wants to look down your pants? Yes, I bet you can identify with that.. knobby is one such.
ooh, get me some whelks please
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I aint putting no whelks in my car posty.

Nasty discusting fings they are

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