Hi im 15, i weigh 7 stone 4 and im 5ft5 . I think im really fat but everyones always saying im not. But no matter how hard i try to believe them i look in the mirror and just want to cry :( What should i do ??
Thanks guys, but, i try and be posative and look at myself in a good way but i just mentally cant do it. Also my mum dosent think theres anything wrong with me, and we're not that close and i just cant tell her. I cant stop how i feel, sometimes i just cry and hate myself so much. :( ??
izzie,sweetheart....if anything-you are a bit underweight for your height. If you are really concerned,ask to see a female doctor as you may be more comfortable with her. But at your age,you should not be so worried about your weight...your friends AND mum are both right, You ARE fine as you are. Infact-I bet your mates are envious of you.