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unable to load cd/dvd

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gollysailor | 16:55 Wed 13th May 2009 | Computers
8 Answers
A friend has recently bought an Acer laptop. The disc drive won't "read" or play any CD/DVD. Any ideas before she takes it back to the store.


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I forgot to mention the OS is Windows Vista with the usual CD/DVD software
Is the dvd drive recognised if you click computer?
Trish has asked excatly the right question...

if it is NOT listed when you look in computer on the start menu then use the fix it button half way down this page
Well the laser could have simply become bad. But usually it is just one or the other (meaning CD or DVD). I would suggest checking the cables going into the drive and make sure they are properly seated and haven't come loose somehow.
for further assistance visit
Lens is not working it will be better to you to go to contact your Laptop vendor, or contact Customer Service..

for Software and operating system you can take live help...
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Chuck 'n Trish! Yes, the drive is listed in Computer.
Have you tried device manager to see if the drivers are installed? -computer -system properties - device manager- double click your dvd drive, it should come up "this device is working properly.

Note to edward7897 and alias SiennaHughes, stop the spamming.
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Trish. Yes, "device is working properly". What now?

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unable to load cd/dvd

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