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hay knobby

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noway2 | 19:01 Sun 17th May 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
check out Mr-h,the memory foam matress guy.


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Wat dis one?

Sun 17/05/09

The left
Sun 17/05/09

dont listen to that knob,Mr H,its the right.and what was your name before Mr-H
Sun 17/05/09

Mr.H. You should sleep on the egg-carton side, it allows some air to collect between the grooves. If you sleep on the flat side, you might find it makes you too warm. Didn't the packing have a picture to guide you. Hope you like it, they are really comfy.
Sun 17/05/09

Question Author
wot can i say about the first two plonkers which wont get be barred from Ansabank? - However, thanks shu - thats the side we slept on last nite. surprising though, everyone seems to have a different idea (including those two ***********s above!!).
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God some people on here have no sense of humus does they?
Question Author
yeah thats the one,you should of left it over there
You know no way.

A lot of people on here thinks that you are stumpy but I have always though that you are nokno.

Stumpy just does not have the SOH to be you.

Of course I could be sharging up the wrong tree again
you are
this noway user has a conection with stoopey somewhere along the line.
I'm of back there now kraft do you want to follow and have a laff? ealth-and-Fitness/Question756997.html
lmfao ....give snags 3 stars before you eff off
I will climb down then nokno.

But stumpy just does not have a SOH
Question Author
what is SOH,knob.Well knob i always get you confused with nok
noway started of life as a man .........why?
He was confused as a child
is he a foxy bingoer?
Question Author
what is SOH
Sense Of Honour?
Kraft whenever I see that advert for foxy bingo on tv it always remind me of stumpy as well.

God rest his soul.

Gone but not forgotten

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hay knobby

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