I was in the BHS cafe the other day with my step-father and my sister and she asked if I could have more milk in my drink to thicken it and so it wasn't too hot . As I saw the assistant wondering why , I said , rather too loud and clear in my opinion , " I can't blow any more " . My sister and just looked at each other and giggled as people were trying not to giggle too . What embarrassing double meaning things have you said recently ?
I've posted this before but it seems to make people chuckle when I retell it so here goes; I was in the dinner queue in our school canteen (before Jamie Oliver stuck his naked nose in) and an ancient dinner lady was serving ice cream cornets, when I got to her I asked her if she did sixty nines.......she laughed as did my colleagues......
Well my embarrassing moment was on here several months ago when I mentioned that I like Chasing Pavements! I didn't realise there was another meaning to it until Cazzz pointed it out too me. Under the Urban Dictionary it has a completely different meaning which I won't go into! Lol :c) x