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Me luvly doggy...

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curvybird | 23:45 Mon 18th May 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
...has got the all clear !!! Had results from biopsy today and it wasn't cancer, was cursing the vets last week cos wot I thought was going to be a little op turned out huge, but they explained to me they did think the lump was cancer so they dug round it and removed lots of tissue to make sure they had got it in one hit. But she is fine... I AM SO HAPPY !!!!!!!!!


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good news curvy I hope your licking your dog all over the face to show it how happy you are.
I am soooo plsd for you love,x
curvybird --Absolutely brilliant , so pleased for you both.Hope all goes well from now one.x
What a relief - bet you're over the moon. Hope she'll soon be back to normal
Thats great news curvybird, hope you're giving her loads of cuddles xx
That is good news, and how is your health now curvybird?
Question Author
Wot absolutely luvly replies, thanks 2 u all x x x x
So pleased your worries ended in a really good result. Now you can just get on and enjoy your dog's speedy recovery. Best wishes. Schutz.
Wow that's fantastic news! Must be a massive weight off your mind! Now you can enjoy your doggy again! Happy times ahead! xxx

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